Companion Planting - herbs, vegetables and flowers -

    Companion Planting - Vegetable, Flowers and Herbs

    I've used the companion planting method for many years.
    It's not because I like a challenge nor do I know what I'm doing. It's because my vegetable garden is also my flowerbed. However, this year I've a flowerbed reserved just for vegetables.

    In the past I've grown almost everything amongst my flowers from pumpkins to peanuts.
    In the front yard I used my flowerbeds as a teaching garden for the kids going back and forth to school. Lost a few but it was worth it. :)

I still sneak in a few herbs, carrots, cucumbers in the front yard but I've learned my lesson with the pumpkins. I thought they were going to take over, not just my yard but the whole neighbourhood's and then the world. :) hehehe!
My kids loved watching them grow but once is enough.

In the backyard I still plant carrots, radishes, garlic, chives, herbs and peanuts amongst my flowers. The vine stuff like, cucumbers, squash and gourds, I plant them around my fruit trees.
Strawberries and bush beans at the edge of my flowerbeds so I can keep an eye on them. It's a race between the squirrels, birds and I to see who gets the strawberries first.

Tomatoes, peas, popcorn and sunflowers, I've a place just for them called a "flowerbed-wanna-be-vegetable-garden".

" A bad day in the garden, it's still better than a good day in front of the computer" :)

Companion Planting Options
Corn with Beans Beans enhances the corn growth.
Peanuts with Corn and Squash Increases yields of both crops.
Peas, Pole Beans with spinach, lettuce and cabbage Peas and Pole Beans provides shade and protection for young plants.
Lettuce or Spinach with Squash or Cuccumbers Good use of space and soil material.
Cabbage with Garlic Garlic repells harmful insects.
Corn with Beans, Cuccumbers, Melons, Squash or Gourds Best use of light and bed space.

~ Video below is about "Companion Planting " ~