Free Easy 3x5 Recipe Card Maker Online.
Laminate your recipe - for easy cleaning or use recipe card sleeves.
The program only needs email address if you're sending a copy of the recipe to a friend.

Your Name:
Your E-Mail Address:
Recipient's Name:
Recipient's E-Mail Address:

-Just follow the instructions at each step along the way.

^ Use the Radio Button selector to get a border around your recipe card.

halloween recipes thanksgiving recipes christmas recipes
appetizer recipes dessert recipes fish, seafood recipes BBQ recipes

^ This will give you a picture on the left of your recipe card. ^
Use the Radio Button selector.

STEP #3:

Select your text and background colours.


STEP #4:

Enter your Title & Message
In the box below, please enter your recipe.
To print a recipe that fits a 3"x5" card; type/paste no more than 8 ingredients. Four on each table.

from the kitchen of:
recipe name:


Type/paste 1/2 of the recipe ingredients on this table

and the other 1/2 of the ingredients on this table.
Maximum ingredients : 4 per table

STEP #5:

Please fill the recipe directions below.

Type/paste in 5 rows of text maximum. If anymore, it might not fit on a 3"X5" card.

directions: - type or paste - 5 rows of text

STEP #6:

Proceed to Preview OR Start Over.

You are now ready to preview your recipe card! Just click on the preview button below. If you want to clear the form and start all over, select start-over.
Like what you see on preview?
Just print it and please share my link. Thank You!

To print the border around your recipe, you need to have your printer setup to print backgrounds.
Go windows...internet print background.
When you're finished printing all of your recipes, go back and do the reverse. :)